Are You Struggling With Trading and Feeling Frustrated?
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Because of The Personalized 1-on-1 Planning... There's Only 9 Spots Left This Month!

I want to give a shout out to 2 of my favorite instructors Beast Mode Brandon and Mike's Crypto & Forex within the DCG mastermind. With there help, resources, tools, strategies and coaching I can confidently call winning trades and extract money out of the markets. If your starting your trading journey and want to learn more on becoming a independent trader with a mastermind behind you then I recommend joining the DCG tradeschool with Mike and Jamar James.




chris stanek


Symon gamble

Here's some more proof!



At one point my wife told me to stop trading and get a job because it was taking too long to figure out the "day trading thing."

My kids told me I was fat and out of shape.

All my old friends disappeared as I was learning how to trade.

Your journey in trading will not be easy.

Many struggle for years trying to figure it out on their own.

They are confused.

They don't know who to trust.

None of their strategies work

They win a few trades and then their profits are wiped out in the next trade.

In the process of trading, they don't just lose money...

They lose time, hope and the confidence they started with.

It's crazy how much folks continue to struggle.

How much time they spend.

How many relationships they ruin.

And how much they neglect or ruin their family in their quest to become profitable traders.

The truth is, they don't have to struggle through this if they just had some 1-on-1 help.

It's been my experience, traders will get overwhelmed seeing others (who appear to) win.

You will question what you're doing wrong.

You see folks' screenshots, and think, "Why haven't I figured this out already?"

If you think you are doing something wrong,

You are.


As a day trader, the DCG Trade School and DCG as a whole has changed my life by allowing me to see that all my dreams can come true this late in the game. And you can't get any better than that! The overall experience was the best I've ever encountered as far as the care i felt.

- Sharleta



Phase 1 - Foundational Learning

Getting started, understanding the assets and being able to take trades in any market - new mastermind discovery and foundation!

Phase 2 - Implementing Custom Trading Strategy

Gain Taking trades, forecasting the direction of the markets, and able to trade successful and profit - clarity stage, trader level

Phase 3 - Producing Profit and Leverage Trading

Able to confidently trade, profit and make money from anywhere with a strategy that is now your own - pro level trading your funds and able to trade others funds

Phase 4 - Trading Business

Able to make a living off a trading and able to share your strategy and system with others, able to help other masterminds confidently be profitable. - Expert trader and leveraging mastermind relationships


Hi. I am Crystal Mendoza and I trade Stock Options, and FOREX Currencies. Impressive is an understatement when describing my DCG Trade School experience. I was amazed at the friendly and all-inclusive learning environments, access to master traders, weekly mindset calls, and the comprehensive trading plan that included resources and tools. Also we traded as a group daily for practice and hands-on learning. This compact trading course over delivers and under promises. Overall DCG ELITE has equipped me with a solid foundation in trading, boosted my confidence and increased my social currency network. Now I have unlimited options and more control over my life.


My name is Stephanie Nero and I have been a member of DCG Mastermind since April 2022. Someone ask me one day, "What's with that DCG and that guy you always talk about? The question startled me for a second. But what came from my mouth next was simply I found a place where there is a common bond. We are people who truly want to succeed for our families, and share with our friends and strangers who are interested in striving for a better future. Jamar James has developed a platform of resources facilitated by a cohesive team of individuals that are diverse in both digital currency and trading. I am not where I want to be today, but I'm so proud of who I have become because of DCG and all it has to offer. What I have learned so far and knowing how much more I can achieve, there's no stopping me. And knowing that people like Brandon Harbaugh (BEASTMODE) and Jamar and the DCG family is my cheering squad I can't lose. There's just no way.


The class was excellent. The instructors is patient and answers all questions. The live teaching is very motivating. The class got me to see and plan my future. I'm a new trader(never traded), so I'm still learning on what type of trader I want to master.



I Am Jamar James.
A Professional Trader And Coach.

I have led an elite trading mastermind for over 7 years.

I have helped hundreds of traders just like you break through barriers.

My team and I trade together, and we share the newest alpha.

Our goal is for you to break free of any constraints holding you back.

I have seen firsthand those that struggle to figure it out how to master trading.

I know what it takes.

I want to help you transform into profitable, consistent traders with a high quality of life.

The truth is, if you get into trading, you should have more time, more financial freedom, and, most of all, be clear on what you're doing wrong.

The main problem is, traders can't grow in isolation.

They never figure out what they are doing wrong.

With all these free courses, conflicting information, and trading groups, you will spend years going through all this information and still be lost...

Because it's not customized to help you experience a breakthrough.

The trading industry is designed to have you sort through all the indicators, the trading lingo, and paid courses to confuse you.

The truth, every trader's journey is different and unique.

Imagine that.

Your problems are the same...

But the breakthroughs are unique.

Some folks need a few tweaks...

Others need a complete overhaul of what they are doing.

I see traders consistently consuming free information, searching, trying, joining groups, and looking for the holy grail in trading.

And what you really need is clarification in your trading.

They need direction with a few tweaks and a customized plan that will allow them to make the right changes for them.

Most traders you come across, don't have time to help another trader.

My long-term vision is to be surrounded by great traders that are living the good life.

So selfishly, I am taking out sometime for a few traders this month.

I'll give them with a customized plan, and steps to take so they have a personalized plan to break through obstacles in their trading and in life.

I call this the Trader Transformation Process.

For any trader to have a breakthrough, it's a mental shift.

Your plan, your transformative solution, should be customized for you, your lifestyle, and your family.

No two traders are alike.

That is why signal groups can only get you so far.

That is why you are lost when you take a course.

You need to be able to apply strategies around your lifestyle.

You're independent in these markets.

I don't care what anyone tells you.

You hit the buy or sell button, but the truth is you are different.

You have different thoughts, emotions, and risk tolerances.

You need unique solutions to help you optimize your time in the market.

I don't like watching good people struggle.

It's possible to make money, to have more time in the markets.

And yes breakthrough can happen with just a few minor adjustments.

And no, it's not another course.

It's 3 simple step process...

1 / We start with discovery work to help you pinpoint your roadblocks.

2 / Then we hop on a call to touch on your key problems

3 / I help identify exactly what you have to do to break through.


It requires time.

Your time and my time.

I am limited on time.

And truthfully, I only want to talk to serious people.

This process requires honesty.

It requires openness and it requires real communication.

If you are serious, if you are ready to communicate, then it's time.

If you need more courses, need to watch another video, or join a few more signal groups before taking action, I understand, this may not be for you.

I want to have this transformative breakthrough experience for those ready to earn serious money.

I am a successful trader.

I don't need to show you a $200k trade or bank statements.

I've been living free and taking live trades for the last 7 years.

My goal is to help you save time...

Become an independent trader...

And give you the confidence and clarity that you need to succeed.

Here's My Offer To You...

1 - Start with the Trader Transformation survey.

It's the new beginning of your personalized trading plan.

2 - Schedule a call with me.

3 - Let's create a breakthrough process customized for you.

This offer is not for everyone.

I have limited time, so I am offering 1 call a day out of my schedule after the market closes.

Only evening calls are available.

And I am only taking 9 calls for the rest of the month.

So many traders end up in a negative space and I want to give a few traders some one-on-one time to move in with the right direction.

I will meet 9 traders this month and do everything in my power to help them change their life this year.

I look forward to going on this Trader Transformation journey with you!

You will have a breakthrough.

You will have a plan going forward.

You will know exactly what you need to be a profitable and consistent trader.

We will customize your transformation, based on your participation in every step of the Trader Transformation Process.

Reserve 1 of the 9 spots for the month before I'm fully booked.





The best time to elevate your life was 20 years ago.
The second best time is TODAY.

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